So with the assistance of my dear friend, Nikki, we stripped her down to her frame...the chair, not Nikki :)...which took about FOREVER...this little baby was a well made piece! I bet I pulled 500 staples out of her!
Then I took her into the garage and gave her a good cleaning, a coat of primer and two coats of paint - Rustoleum in Heirloom White - which is just the perfect off white.
As you can see from her before picture, she had a tufted back, which I have never attempted to do before and which two of my friends attempted to talk me out of trying, but I was determined to give this little gal something of her past to hold onto...err....I just really wanted to tuft it! So I did...which was a little harder than I thought. I ended up having to reuse the covered buttons that held the tufting in the original piece, because they had the sturdiest, best, prong back fasteners that I have ever seen...and I couldn't find them anywhere to buy...ugh. So what I did was use the old (ugly) button fasteners to tuft through the foam and batting...
And then I attached my super cute brown covered buttons to the fabric and pulled my thread through to the back and tied it off to the prong fasteners! Professional? Heck no! Functional? Heck Yes!
So here she her revamped it and can't wait to get her mate done so that my living room can stop looking like a workshop!!