I wanted to share this post because someone very special in my life had a baby. My teenage babysitter. Sigh. Now, I am not one to get preachy, but I have to say that I was so devastated when I first found out she was pregnant. DEVASTATED. I had a lot of hopes for this special young gal who had come to be a part of my family...I think I took it almost as hard as her Dad did. :{ However, she came out the other side of this amazingly and now we have beautiful Bailey Haze to share with the world. *tear* Anyway, after I got over myself, I decided that I wanted to put my heart and soul where it should be...in helping my dear friend get ready for this new adventure in life. We decided on a nesting party - so appropriate because she was out on her own and making her own new home. Just thought I would share a few pics from her party. Much love to you, Miss M.
Her wishes tree...each guest wrote down a wish for Miss M. and baby Bailey on cards designed by my dear friend from MiniWishes. Check out the cute "nests" that held candy - these were just glass bowls that were wrapped with fuzzy pastel yarn and hot glued to the bowl. After the party, all I had to do was peel the yarn off and the glue came right off, too!
Her baby bird cupcakes - taken from Martha Stewart's website
Welcome area - lucky for me, this shower fell around Easter - so I was able to pick up a lot of the decorations from the spring and Easter sections at various stores...and it helped me revamp my decorations for next year!
And lastly, here's a little peek at the funky quilt/play mat that I made for her...even though it isn't in the "nesting" theme, I wanted to share! It's cute and funky - just like Miss M. herself!
I linked this to Centsational Girl